@misc{127116, author = {Shuyang Pan and Ilhan A. Aksay and Robert K. Prud{\textquoteright}homme}, title = {Multifunctional graphene-silicone elastomer nanocomposite, method of making the same, and uses thereof}, abstract = { A nanocomposite composition having a silicone elastomer matrix having therein a filler loading of greater than 0.05 wt \%, based on total nanocomposite weight, wherein the filler is functional graphene sheets (FGS) having a surface area of from 300 m2/g to 2630 m2/g; and a method for producing the nanocomposite and uses thereof. }, year = {2018}, volume = {9,908,995}, chapter = {US}, address = {United States of America}, language = {eng}, }