@misc{121061, keywords = {noble gas hyperpolarization app glass coating}, author = {Jr. Cates Gordon D. and Ilhan A. Aksay and William Happer and Ming Feng Hsu and Daniel Martin Dabbs}, title = {Sol-gel coated polarization vessels}, abstract = { The invention relates to a polarization cell which is coated with glass deposited from a sol-gel used for hyperpolarizing noble gases. The invention also includes a method for hyperpolarizing noble gases utilizing the polarization cell coated with glass deposited from a sol-gel. These polarization cells can also be incorporated into containers used for storage and transport of the hyperpolarized noble gases. [on SciFinder(R)] }, year = {1999}, pages = {21 pp.}, publisher = {Trustees of Princeton University, USA .}, isbn = {WO9908941A1}, language = {eng}, }