@misc{120936, keywords = {ceramic multilayer piezoelec laminate zinc oxide conductor}, author = {James S. Vartuli and David L. Milius and Xiaoping Li and Wei H. Shih and Wan Y. Shih and Robert K. Prud{\textquoteright}homme and Ilhan A. Aksay}, title = {Multilayer ceramic piezoelectric laminates with zinc oxide conductors}, abstract = { A modification of the traditional unimorph flextensional actuator is provided by replacing the metal shim with an elec. conducting oxide. Comprised of Pb zirconate titanate (PZT) and ZnO that is co-sintered, the laminate composite obtains large axial displacements while maintaining moderate axial loads. The varistor properties of ZnO dictate that the conductance increases several orders of magnitude when a crit. elec. field is applied. The versatility of the processing over other actuator system facilitates miniaturization, while maintaining comparable performance characteristics. Functional gradients in the material properties are created in the green body by layering thin tape cast sheets. The unique PZT-ZnO composite not only controls the piezoelec. gradient, but permits control of the sintering kinetics leading to the processing of either flat or highly domed structures. [on SciFinder(R)] }, year = {2001}, pages = {13 pp.}, publisher = {The Trustees of Princeton University, USA .}, isbn = {US6329741B1}, language = {eng}, }